Red Bracket


The Real Living Wage

The Real Living Wage

9th February 2021

Frameclad is proud to have signed up to The Real Living Wage along with 7,000 other UK companies who also believe that their staff deserve a wage that meets their everyday needs. Read all about our decision to sign up for The Real Living Wage by checking out the latest…

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Frameclad Q&A Steve Goodenough

Frameclad Q&A With Steve Goodenough

9th February 2021

Before working at Frameclad, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? Meat packing factory at an abbotoir in my late teens. How did you first learn about Frameclad? My competitor when working with EOS facades. How has Frameclad helped you in your career development? Frameclad has…

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Modern Methods Of Construction

5 Different Modern Methods of Construction Types

12th January 2021

Modern methods of construction (MMC) are innovative ways of building structures, which are increasingly being used in the construction industry. They provide a number of different benefits, depending on the method used, and could help to do everything from speed up construction and save money to making construction safer. Modern…

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light steel framing

5 Benefits of Light Steel Framing in Construction

5th January 2021

Light steel framing delivers a number of excellent benefits for construction projects of all types. Light steel framing provides several advantages for buildings and construction companies, from its cost-effectiveness to its versatility. It can be used for a variety of different applications and offers the benefits of rapid construction, durability,…

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Centre Point small Letter Centre Point Charity Frameclad

Centre Point Charity

14th December 2020

This year we have taken the decision to not do cards or corporate gifts – in place of this activity we have decided to make a donation to a very important charity. This year has been very difficult for many in society – but particularly for those who are vulnerable…

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LW Employer logo transparent Accredited Living Wage Employer! Frameclad

Accredited Living Wage Employer!

14th December 2020

Work does not provide a guaranteed route out of poverty in the UK. 72 per cent of children growing up in poverty live in a household where at least one person works. The statement above was taken from the Child Poverty Action Group website. Marcus Rashford’s campaign has brought to light the…

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1200px Kier Group logo.svg Kier MMC data base Frameclad

Kier MMC data base

9th December 2020

Frameclad have recently joined the Kier Developments MMC database. This follow extract is taken directly for their MMC introduction page… “Embracing offsite manufacture and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is fast becoming a strategic priority for many businesses. As the largest regional builder in the UK, the supply chain partners…

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Frameclad Magazine Article Light Steel Framing Magazine Frameclad

Light Steel Framing Magazine

1st December 2020

Click here to read the full article.

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